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A Journey to Upful: Meet Chantel Robertson

Upful Blends creates and provides organic, wildcrafted, and ethically grown tea blends and supplements. We aim to continuously source alkaline, unadulterated, and nourishing plant medicine for the connection of the mind, body, and spirit.

Owned and operated by Chantel Robertson, she is devoted to create high vibrational remedies that honors the harmony of healing and to remind and ignite the remembrance of who we are through consciousness, love, and electrified living. The formulations and herbs hold years of evidence from their power.

Tell me about your business (what product or service you provide and who your target audience is)

We provide indigenous herbs, tea blends, and supplements for the healing of the mind and

body inspired by African and Amazonian wisdom.

Please tell me what being a business owner means to you and why you became an entrepreneur in the first place?

It means curating a source to be of service to the collective in some way. It means owning your inner development and self-expansion to lead in sovereignty and power. It means truly embodying powerful manifesting abilities to create an impact and an income. I became an entrepreneur for all the statements above, and it’s my soul's calling to play in the realms of business; with structuring, creating solutions, being adaptable, providing a powerful service, calling team members forward to their greatness, and always envisioning innovation in my own unique way. There are people out there who are suffering and don’t remember the power they innately hold to create a life most aligned for them. I’m here to reflect that reminder. That is why I became an entrepreneur.

What or who has been your greatest influence in business and why?

Preston Smiles, my coach, my friend, and a dope AF human being excelling in business, family, life, and service to humanity. He’s supported me in remembering that I can create an impact and an income with the gifts uniquely on my heart. He’s self-made and knows what it's like to be where he is now while experiencing the challenges of being of African descent.

What would you say is your greatest professional accomplishment to date?

My greatest accomplishment is building and operating a manufacturing warehouse from the ground up. I didn’t know ish about warehouses, OSHA, policies, team culture, all the things, AND I figured it out, brought on people who excel in areas that aren’t my strong suit and we made it happen. One more thing is building a water well and contributing to the building of a library in a rural village of Tanzania, Africa.

What’s the best advice you have received in business that you wish to pass on to our readers?

Create your company culture NOW. It’s better to build a house on an already laid foundation, than to attempt to build the foundation with an already laid top. If you began from the beginning of your business with envisioning the values you want your employees to hold, the behaviors that you want to allow in, the decisions you want them to make and clear guidance to camaraderie, along with communicating this and any changes repetitively to your team, then you have a powerful space for your team to grow into leadership roles and expand a level of loyalty and trust. Culture is an integral give-and-receive between you and those that are helping you in growing your business.

What have been the most effective marketing initiatives or programs you have used to promote your business?

I like speaking about topics that most people don’t feel comfortable to speak about. When creating LIVE videos, giving away gift cards to those that tuned in. Creating a trivia day for our internal team and social media community based on conscious topics. We’ll play between those in the LIVE and those in the team. Whoever wins from the internal team gets dope different prizes, while those in the LIVE receive free gift cards. We upload the LIVE to our feed and when other people tune in later, they’re reminded to make a way to be on our page at a certain time, tuning into conscious trivia.

What one thing have you learned as a small business owner that has served you well over the years?

PLAY! When we play in life, we’re not only supporting ourselves in resetting and recalibrating our nervous system, mind, and inner peace, but we’re supporting our inability to show up powerfully for others with the overflow of our cup. When we play, we’re living in a state of joy that reveals all the solutions, innovative ideas, and growth in a clear and powerful way.

Are there any resources or tools you’d like to share with other small business owners that have helped you run your business?

For sure! Here are a few books that have supported me greatly. Get you the hard copy or Audible, no excuse.

Do you have any new projects coming up (or have you just completed a big project ~ reached a milestone, etc.)?

Yes! We have a few epic things happening. I am soon to be releasing my first children’s conscious coloring book on affirmations. This will be available on our site, at I have just partnered with the Chief Leader in the Sapara community of the Ecuadorian Amazon to build a school on consciousness, dream work, plant medicine, and wisdom of the rainforest. Our name will be included in their plant medicine curriculum, which I’ll be supporting in creating.

What do you do for fun/relaxation?

I love to be at the beach, intercoastal, boat, anywhere that I’m close to the water I’m hype! I love to do spontaneous adventurous things like rock climbing, camping, paddle boarding, hiking, cave diving, road tripping. Reading and moments of stillness in nature is music to my soul.

What is Number One Business Goal you plan to accomplish over the next year?

Have our warehouse operating smoothly on it’s own and opening up a physical store location/delivery service.

You want to write a book on ______________________ (fill in the blank and feel free to explain).

Consciousness, emotions, and how to alchemize low vibratory states of being to one of ascension, love, and power.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?

BE you and remember your power - that’s more than enough to amplify a thriving business.

What’s the best way for the readers of My Divine Beauty Obsession to connect with you?

Instagram: @upfulblends

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